The Global Policy Forum (GPF) is AFI’s flagship event and showcases the progress and achievements made by its vibrant global network of more than 89 institutions from 84 countries.

2024 AFI Global Policy Forum
Innovation for an Inclusive World

Each year, it is co-hosted by a different member institution in a different region of the world. This year’s GPF is co-hosted by AFI and Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador.

This invitation-only event brings together central banks, ministries of finance, financial regulators, standard-setting bodies, international organizations, financial service providers, technology companies, mobile network operators, payment platforms, researchers and technical experts. During four days of high-level dialogue and peer-to-peer exchange, the event explores opportunities to develop and improve national financial inclusion strategies and policies.

The annual AFI GPF is the world’s leading event on financial inclusion and the most important and comprehensive forum for regulatory institutions with an interest in promoting financial inclusion policy. It is focused on developing and improving national financial inclusion strategies and policies and is used as a platform for senior financial regulators to exchange ideas as well as engage in peer-to-peer learning activities.



The event tagline is “Innovation for an Inclusive World.”


2024 GPF logo

The 2024 AFI GPF logo conveys the beauty and grandeur of El Salvador, a country known for its majestic volcanoes. It highlights the harmony between the elements represented. It evokes the sensation of serenity and amazement experienced when witnessing a sunset in a place where volcanoes meet the sea.  The colors represent the cultural and natural richness of the country.


Program Highlights

Monday, 2 September
AFI Working Group Meetings
AFI Board and Committee Meetings

Tuesday, 3 September
AFI Annual General Meeting
AFI Regional Initiative Meetings

Wednesday, 4 September  
Opening of the 2024 AFI GPF
El Salvador’s financial inclusion journey
High-level plenaries and technical breakout sessions

Thursday, 5 September 
AFI Global Awards
High-level plenaries and technical breakout sessions
Closing of the 2024 AFI GPF
Announcement of the 2025 AFI GPF Host

For more details, check out the 2024 AFI GPF agenda

More than 89 member institutions, representing 84 countries

The Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) organizes its annual flagship event, the Global Policy Forum (GPF), for its vibrant and growing global network. With more than 89 member institutions, representing 84 countries, the GPF is the most important and comprehensive forum for regulatory institutions to share experiences, knowledge and initiatives that have made an impact in bringing financial services to the world’s 1.4billion unbanked.

Bringing the world’s 1.4 billion unbanked into the formal financial system

AFI recognizes the GPF as the keystone for its membership. Each year, the GPF is co-hosted by a different member institution in a different region of the world. Over the past decade, GPFs have supported the environment for historic financial inclusion policy initiatives, and declarations that have made a powerful impact on the global quest to bring the world’s 1.4 billion unbanked into the formal financial system.

GPF reports

GPF Reports provide an in-depth look into the sessions and outcomes from the year’s most important financial inclusion event.

© Alliance for Financial Inclusion 2009-2024