FILAC is a regional initiative that aims to promote inclusive growth and poverty reduction through sustainable financial inclusion policies. This first-of-a-kind regional financial inclusion platform in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) leverages the collective expertise and knowledge of financial policymakers, regulators and partners.
Launched in 2016 with support from Canada’s International Development Research Center (IDRC), it aims to be a regional driving force for the advancement of financial inclusion.
From its regional office, FILAC works to meet the needs of its members in the LAC region.
The Central Bank of the Bahamas
Superintendencia de la Economía Popular y Solidaria de Ecuador
With a heavy gender focus, FILAC focuses on the below policy areas:
FILAC is part of the AFI network and any AFI member institution in Latin America and the Caribbean can participate in FILAC activities. FILAC operates under a governance structure consisting of the leaders’ roundtable and EGFIP. The chair serves for a two-year term and is replaced by the vice-chair at the end of the term. A new vice-chair is then elected.
FILAC activities are implemented and coordinated through the following mechanism:
AFI Management Unit coordinates the organization of the meetings of Leaders’ and those of the EGFIP.
© Alliance for Financial Inclusion 2009-2025