Joint Learning Programme (JLP) on Measuring Financial Inclusion: The Way Forward in the Digital Age
What are the objectives of the JLP?
A Joint Learning Programme (JLP) is hosted and led by an AFI member institution that has exceled in a specific policy area. Participants consisting of other AFI member institutions gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills from the host organisation that they can then replicate in their jurisdiction.
Co-hosted by Bank of Ghana (BoG), this JLP is focused on financial inclusion data collection to measure digital financial services. At the end of this training, participants will be able to apply, in their own contexts, the key components to develop and implement a financial inclusion data framework related to digital financial services. The specific objectives of the JLP include the following:
- Participants will be able to design an effective data collection system from the supply-side, using a template system.
- Through on-site visits and taking into account their current context, participants will compare key factors in developing, and using a web-based portal system to collect financial inclusion data from financial service providers.
- Participants will identify important elements required to build an agent’s registry system in order to enhance the measurement of access to financial services (in a DFS/Agent model)
- Using an interest rate model, participants will be able to develop interest payment computing systems.
- Participants will have the ability to design a sex disaggregated data template that is tailored to their country — using a template model.
Who should attend?
Senior officials of AFI member institutions who are involved in developing, implementing or enforcing financial inclusion data frameworks would benefit greatly from this event, especially if they are involved in financial inclusion data in NFIS implementation, digital financial services programmes, and/or sex-disaggregated data programmes from departments such as Financial Inclusion, National Payments.
The event is practical and interactive; participants are expected to share their country experiences, and actively participate in the exercises and discussions. Participants would also be required to develop an action plan during the event and commit to its implementation.
How to register?
Please coordinate with the AFI focal point of your institution to register for the course. Reach out to us at if you have any questions.