The AFI Global Financial Inclusion Awards are back! - Alliance for Financial Inclusion
2018 AFI Awards ceremony at the 10th annual Global Policy Forum in Sochi, Russia

17 April 2022

The AFI Global Financial Inclusion Awards are back! 

We are delighted to announce that nominations for the 2022 AFI Global Financial Inclusion Awards are open!  

The Awards celebrate the dedication and leadership of network members and other stakeholders in accelerating financial inclusion. Coveted trophies are up for grabs in three categories, two of which require members to nominate themselves and submit their nomination forms. Finalists and winners in each category would include financial sector policymakers and regulators who have gone above and beyond to develop and implement high-impact policies that are improving the access, usage and quality of formal financial service to those populations most in need. 

Previously known as the AFI Awards, two new Award categories have been added to this year’s lineup that reflect the ever-changing financial inclusion environment. 

The Nestor Espenilla Jr. Financial Inclusion Innovation Award will be given to one AFI member institution that has demonstrated commitment and leadership to foster new technologies and innovations to drive financial inclusion.  

This Award honors the late governor of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, whose leadership promoted policies and catapulted policymakers and regulators towards embracing innovations in financial inclusion.  

Our second new award, the Global Youth Financial Inclusion Award, is the only category open to financial regulators both within and outside the AFI network. One winner will be chosen based on their policies and initiatives for removing the structural barriers faced by youth in accessing formal financial services. 

While this award has been going since 2011, this year marks the first time that it is being given by AFI. The network assumed responsibility for the award from Netherlands-based non-governmental organization Child and Youth Finance International back in 2019, but the global pandemic placed festivities on hold. 

Awards are also up for grabs in the Peer Leadership Award category: Maya Declaration Commitment, Institutional Leadership and Technical Leadership. No nominations are required for these Awards. Finalists and winners will be selected by AFI Management Unit based on members’ commitment and contribution to the AFI Network in the past year.  

Winners will be announced during a special ceremony at the 2022 AFI Global Policy Forum in Jordan, which will be co-hosted by the Central Bank of Jordan 

Nominate your institution by 23:59 Malaysia time (UTC +8 hours) on Friday, 30 June 2022 to stand a chance to win. 

Want to learn more? Click here and apply. 


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