28 May 2024

Peer learning in action: AFI members share financial inclusion strategy insight in Eswatini

AFI’s Financial Inclusion Strategy Peer Learning Group (FISPLG) wrapped up a successful meeting in Eswatini this past week. Co-hosted by the Central Bank of Eswatini and the Ministry of Finance from 20-23 May, the event was a chance for members to exchange insight on successful national financial inclusion strategy (NFIS) development and implementation.

“FISPLG serves as a crucial platform for knowledge sharing and collaboration, enabling our members to apply innovative solutions and develop robust strategies that address the complex financial inclusion challenges of our time,” said AFI’s FISPLG Manager, Dieter De Smet.

“FISPLG is undergoing a transformative shift from a traditional to a sustainable NFIS that recognizes the critical role of youth empowerment, gender equality, climate resilience, and social equity in building truly inclusive financial systems.”

The Palestine Monetary Authority, Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas, and the Central Bank of Egypt shared successful strategies from their own jurisdictions in boosting youth financial inclusion. The Bank of Tanzania gave an overview of their recently released knowledge product on financial inclusion funding and budgeting strategies.

Habitat for Humanity led a session highlighting the crucial role of inclusive housing policy-making in ensuring access to finance for affordable homes.

“Green, equitable affordable housing for the 2.8 billion people living in substandard housing is a global imperative,” explained Habitat for Humanity’s Director of Financial Policy and Regulation, Patrick McAllister. “Regulators and policymakers have the tools to ensure that adequate and appropriate capital is available to meet a variety of housing needs: mortgage finance, housing microfinance, insurance, and finance for SMEs in the housing value chain.

“Through its Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter, Habitat for Humanity stands ready to accompany AFI and its members to ensure the enabling environment is attuned to the needs of this important market segment.”

Seven members received awards in recognition of their contribution to the Working Group.

– Mohanad Salous, Palestine Monetary Authority
– Mohamed Riadh Tlili, Banque Centrale de Tunisie
– Varisha Chaar-Starke, Centrale Bank van Suriname
– Tiana Ramparany Ramanarivosoa, Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances de Madagascar
– Ibtissam El Anzaoui, Bank Al-Maghrib
– Janisse Magali González Arriola, Banco Central del Paraguay

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