Financial inclusion policies benefit individuals, communities and entire nations. Learn how in the short videos below, which profile initiatives from around the world.
Public transport goes cashless in Seychelles
Egypt boosts banking for persons living with disabilities
Boosting Financial Literacy for Female Entrepreneurs in Malaysia
Scan and pay: digital payment goes mainstream in the Philippines
Uganda boosts financial inclusion for the forcibly displaced
Building communities’ resilience to disasters: Reserve Bank of Fiji
Eswatini boosts financial inclusion of women farmers
iTEKAD: Empowering Malaysia’s Microentrepreneurs
Ecuador’s ESRM guidelines in action
Aiming to leave no one behind: Costa Rica’s National Financial Inclusion Strategy takes shape
Building women entrepreneurs’ financial literacy in Cambodia
Financial inclusion of refugees in Rwanda
Empowering Rural Lives in the Solomon Islands
A new era for Financial Inclusion in Mauritania
How mobile banking is changing lives in Mauritania
Financially including Forcibly Displaced People in Mauritania