The Alliance of Financial Inclusion (AFI) will be organizing a Virtual Workshop on the Toolkit for Gender Inclusive Policy Development from 22 – 24 September 2021. The workshop will have technical experts from AFI network, partners and AFI Management Unit.
A Toolkit on Gender Inclusive Policy Development is being developed, and is designed to anchor capacity building initiatives for the AFI MU and AFI members. The Toolkit is aimed to provide guidance on how GIF can be integrated by policy makers/regulators in developing and implementing policies as well as by both AFI MU and regulators in each of the seven policy areas of AFI.
The workshop is based on the draft toolkit with the intent to facilitate dialogue and discussion to define a common understanding of the gender concepts as well as solicit feedback from participants and to assess gaps in the content of the toolkit vis-à-vis their expectations. Feedback during the workshop will further help the development of the toolkit before it is officially released.
The workshop is intended at AFI Policy Managers, GIF and CB team, and select AFI members (Gender Focal Points & GIF Committee members).
Should you have any questions regarding this workshop or how to participate, please contact