The Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) and the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia (NBRM), with support of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO) of Switzerland, are organizing the first ECA Regional Forum on Financial Inclusion Policy.
The objectives of the event are to:
- Strengthen knowledge exchange and peer-learning among the region’s policymakers in Consumer Protection, Financial Literacy (CPFL) and SME Finance, as well as in related areas of policy such as digital financial services and financial inclusion data.
- Engage a broader spectrum of policymakers and regulators from the ECA region, including those that are not yet members of AFI, in sharing knowledge and best policy practices in the above-mentioned areas of policy.
- Expand opportunities for peer-learning with AFI members from other world regions where proven expertise in CPFL and SME Finance policy can help policymakers in ECA strengthen technical capacity and improve policy in these areas.
- Share the learnings from the ECA region to inform global policy dialogue in the areas of CPFL and SME Finance.
- Provide the impetus for the launch of a Regional Peer-Learning Platform on Financial Inclusion Policy in ECA.