Member Training: Programme Training Personal Financial Management Trainers (PTPFMT)
About the training
Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) developed the PTPFMT with the aim to promote the rights and duties of citizens in relation to their financial life. The programme has run successfully since its inception in 2012.
BCB offered to train the staff of Bancos Centrais de Países de Língua Portuguesa (BCPLP) who recognize the importance of financial inclusion and consumer education to the economic development, and stability of financial systems in a country. Banco de Portugal (BCP) will host the programme that will feature important contributions from them.
This 5-day classroom training is tailored for Personal Financial Management trainers, divided into 20 hours of theoretical content and 20 hours of hands-on activities. Participants will prepare short presentations and receive feedback from the trainers. The training will then be replicated by participating institutions in their own jurisdictions.
The five modules that will be covered in the training are:
- Our relationship with money;
- Personal or family budget;
- Credit and indebtedness;
- Conscious and planned consumption;
- Savings and investment;
- Prevention and protection; and
- Contracting financial services.
Who should attend?
Staff from BCPLP who are engaged in designing and delivering the financial education initiatives to end users would benefit from this training. Following the training, the participants will be requested to adapt the material to the respective country context and deliver them.
How to register?
Invitation for nominations has been emailed to AFI focal points of BCPLP. Feel free to get in touch with us at if you have any questions.