28 March 2012

AFI staff travel to Washington D.C. for GPFI meeting

AFI Executive Director Alfred Hannig and AFI  staff are this week participating in a meeting of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) in Washington D.C. The GPFI was launched by G20 leaders at the Seoul Summit in 2010 to set out the global vision for financial inclusion and to implement the G2o’s Financial Inclusion Action Plan. AFI is a key implementing partner of the GPFI with a special mandate to foster the participation of non-G20 developing countries in this key global forum. The meeting in DC from 28-29 March, will be used to finalize the workplans of the GPFI`s subgroups, agree proposals for Mexico’s G20 summit to be held in Los Cabos in June, and prepare for the 2nd annual forum of the GPFI scheduled for September.

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