The opening ceremony of AFI’s 8th annual Global Policy Forum is just over a week away. Final preparations are being made to welcome over 500 participants to Nadi, Fiji, in what will be the largest GPF ever held by the Alliance. The 2016 AFI GPF is being proudly co-hosted by the Reserve Bank of Fiji.
Even before the official start of the Global Policy Forum, AFI members will be converging on the island for the networks first Annual General Meeting as an independent organization. Dedicated sessions for AFI’s Working Groups and regional initiatives are also scheduled to take place in the days leading up to the start of the main GPF program.
The opening ceremonies and main plenary sessions for GPF will be live streamed for a global audience, while the full agenda and all session details are now available through the recently launched GPF mobile application.
Follow along as Nadi, Fiji becomes the world’s financial inclusion capital at the 2016 Global Policy Forum!
Mobile App
Download the official mobile application of the GPF in the App Store or Play Store.
View key sessions from the GPF on the video. Click here to watch direct on Live Stream.