9 March 2012

Bank of Namibia announces Maya Declaration commitments

Bank of Namibia has become the 19th AFI member to make specific Maya Declaration commitments.

On 5 March, Bank of Namibia announced it would be making specific commitments to financial inclusion under the Maya Declaration. The bank is the 19th AFI member to officially make a commitment, since the announcement of the Maya Declaration at the 2011 Global Policy Forum.

In its communication to AFI, Bank of Namibia highlighted three specific areas that it will set as national financial inclusion priorities. These include:

  • Collect data to compile financial inclusion indicators in 2012 so as to inform policymaking going forward;
  • Have an adopted framework for financial literacy activities in place and implementation underway in 2012; and
  • Have a framework for consumer protection in place.

The central bank has joined a global Maya Declaration movement, which has seen regulatory institutions from developing and emerging countries leading by example in their efforts to provide safe, secure and affordable financial services to the unbanked.

Read the Bank of Namibia Maya Commitment

Read more about the Maya Declaration

Read more about the AFI Global Policy Forum

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