As we gear up for a busy 2018, here’s a compilation of our five most popular publications that were added to the AFI publications library last year. Take a moment to get caught up on the major topics in financial inclusion and research produced in 2017.
#1 Financial Inclusion of Forcibly Displaced Persons: Perspectives of Financial Regulators
One of the most important segments of the world’s two billion unbanked are 65.6 million forcibly displaced persons (FDPs). Our most viewed publication in 2017, this special report examines the current views and national regulatory approaches, especially the role of the central bank and financial regulator in addressing the financial inclusion of FDPs. Read the report for more insights.
#2 Guideline Note 27: Integrating Gender and Women’s Financial Inclusion into National Strategies
Drawn from a collective pool of knowledge and experience, the Financial Inclusion Strategies (FIS) Peer Learning Group came up with this guideline note for policymakers and regulators to integrate women’s financial inclusion into national financial inclusion strategies (NFIS). Discover how to incorporate gender into NFIS with lessons learned from more than ten AFI member countries.
#3 Bridging the Gender Gap: Promoting Women’s Financial Inclusion
A collection of case studies, guideline notes and reports from the AFI network, this special publication demonstrates the AFI Network’s commitment in promoting gender and women’s financial inclusion. Looking to learn more about how Nigeria and Tanzania approached the gender gap in financial inclusion? Read the special report for more insights.
#4 Guideline Note 26: Sex-Disaggregated Data Toolkit
How do you leverage on sex-disaggregated data to accelerate women’s financial inclusion? Drawing on good practices from across the AFI Network, this guideline note outlines how policymakers and regulators can use sex-disaggregated supply and demand-side financial inclusion data to achieve policy change that works for women as well as men. Featuring experiences from AFI member countries including Bangladesh, Costa Rica, Haiti, Morocco and Zambia, this guideline note is useful for public sector policymakers and regulators responsible for the collection and analysis of national financial inclusion data.
#5 SMEF Survey Report: SME Finance Policies for MSMEs Owned by Women and Women Entrepreneurs
Do financial policymakers and regulators prioritize SME finance policies for enhancing financial access for MSMEs owned by women and women entrepreneurs? The SME Finance (SMEF) Survey Report explores detailed findings from a survey conducted in 2016 along with recommendations and next steps. Discover more in this survey report.
What were the pivotal moments for financial inclusion in 2017 in your opinion?